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Whether it be cat shenanigans or Hellaverse nonsense!You can follow any socials listed!
However, at this time, the best chance for story updates, dms, or roleplay threads is twitter.
Also available on Discord! (Only upon resquest through twitter dms)Under construction!
(Still making some changes, but feel free to explore!)
HellCat | Phoenix
Born 1995
Married (irl)
A little about me!If cats are a hobby, that's probably my biggest and most time consuming of hobbies that I enjoy. I've spent my life educating myself about our feline companions. Behaviors, lifestyles, diets, and gaining experience to work with them. I foster kittens (especially when the season is upon us!) and tnr when I can. But I spend a good portion of my time loving my own fur babies, along with helping family and friends with their own when it's asked of me.
I gladly accept my Crazy Cat Lady title.You never need to ask if I want to see a photo of your kitty. The answer is always, "Yes!"When life grants me a break: I also enjoy writing, gaming, roleplaying, cars, collecting and antiquing!I've always had a knack for writing even when I was younger. Inspired to keep the ideas and imagination flowing, I continue to write to this day. Writing is something that I do for in my freetime, as I'm coming to learn that when treated like a chore, it isn't exactly fun.Gaming is another hobby that I've always loved. Though it's been a while, I still very much enjoy time building on a simulator, raising dinosaurs, riding into the horizons of the west, or slaying zombies.
I try my best to keep my readers updated. Especially with a busy life, hectic schedule, and sporadic updates. Please have patience with me!
Your support as a reader means so much to me. I do read every comment and they never fail to put a smile on my face. The love and support I have recieved for my story inspires me. Your kindness and patience is very much appreciated! Thank you.If you're familiar with the Hellaverse fandom, you may enjoy some of the fanfics I am writing or plan to write in the future!
My current project is what I mainly focus on. Especially with such a busy lifestyle, I hardly have time for it as it is.
However, I do have other ideas and plots for more stories and short stories that are roughly written or noted. They will be the next things to focus on once I have my bigger project written and done.⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆
I am currently working on a fanfic called To Love A Killer.
Interested? Hit the button below!
Wanna give it a read? Click the Links!
Roleplaying is something I love and enjoy when I have the time and energy.I have roughly twelve (plus) years of writing and roleplaying experience. Though most of my experience has been with closer friends, I've recently moved into an amazing group server full of supportive and wonderful folks.I'm open for plotting, but please be aware of my rules and boundaries.
Have patience and please make sure to read through my rules before coming forward with a plot idea!Keep in mind: If I feel you aren't understanding the rules or respecting my boundaries- I may not be open to rping with you.⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆Lit/Semi Lit, Multi-Para, Plot Driven RPer
Available on Discord
Slow Replies
Open for Plotting
CDT Timezone⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆I may explore other fandoms in the future, but I hardly have time as it is.
So, as of right now, I am sticking to the Hellaverse.Please read through the rules and get to know my muse!
Please carefully read through these rules before inquiring about a plot.⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆
⋆ Failure to read through these rules will get you zero interactions with my muses.
⋆ Any disrespect or crossed boundaries will get you permanently blocked.
⋆ If you push your own agendas onto me or my muse (without any discussions) I will block you.
⋆ If you try to push a ship with my muse, especially without first discussing, I will block you.
⋆ If I am feeling uncomfortable, I reserve the right to block- no explanations needed.
⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆

I know that I might sound like a broken record, especially if you've read through everything. However, it is important that these rules get read if you are wishing to start an RP with me.Life tends to get busy and sometimes I don't have the energy for replies. Patience and respect is so important.Another thing to keep in mind with me is that while I enjoy small banters, the muse and I prefer more story driven replies. As someone who tends to give longer replies, I find it is far more stimulating and easier for me to reply to.(Just as a heads up)
Otherwise, some might be waiting longer as my brain reboots to respond to a shorter banter.⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆
On the topic of shipping.I don't mind ships with my muse, but chemistry between muns first would be highly beneficial as it helps with my own anxiety and confidence.
Be aware that heavy chemistry between muses is a must before considering a ship.
Discussions must be made prior. Rules must be read!Trust is something that is earned with my muse. She demands respect and will in turn treat yours with the same amount that was given.
If you cross her boundaries, you might find yourself blocked.
⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆
Welcome! This is where you can brush up on a little bit of background lore for my muse, Velouria. This is where you will find non-canon characters and their relationships with Velouria. While they may not be used or mentioned in some threads, they are still important to her story. That's because in one way or another, they knew her.
Read on and learn more about these poor unfortunate souls and their fates.⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆Thomas and Marie Blackwood
The mother and father of the Blackwood children. Devoted to each other and their family.
While life in the big city wasn't always easy living, they always made the best of it.Thomas, who worked as a department head in publishing, made sure that life was comfortable for his family. Marie offered her hand in an aspiring baking business, owned by a close friend, up until Velouria was born. The two offered a nurturing environment and loving home for their three children.A fateful night in January of 1924 left their children orphaned.
A group of men came into their home. Velouria wasn't home when this tragedy was occurring. However, their two boys were.
As Thomas instructed, Marie tucked the boys away safely while he diverted the attention of their unwanted guests. Their boys went undetected by the intruders, but they were able to hear the chaos unfolding. Brutally beating their parents before ultimately killing them. Turning their home upside-down, taking anything that could be worth a dime.
The men responsible were never brought to justice.Credence Allen Blackwood
Credence (also goes by Creed) is the middle child of Thomas and Marie Blackwood.
A clever young man who showed intelligence, even at a young age. Well-mannered, but perhaps a little ill-tempered at times. His charismatic nature and outpsoken personality made him easy to get along with. Folk's tongues loosely waggled around him, spilling hidden secrets and sensitive information to him.The death of their parents took a toll on Creed, who took the loss hard.
But like Velouria, he knew he needed to step up. Still a young boy himself, he did what he could to help raise Adair.
At times, this created conflict with his sister, who wished that he would allow himself to enjoy his childhood while he still could.After the death of his sister, he became bitter and vengeful.
Though it was unknown to Creed at the time, he followed in the footsteps of the man who helped raised them. Taking after some of Alastor's more unsavory hobbies. Killing one after another in order to get revenge on the man who murdered his sister.
But he was sloppy. However, there was always room for improvement. Being caught by none other than Alastor himself during one of his sprees. He would be taught properly how to control his emotions and cover his tracks. This is where his apprenticeship began.In the end, it was his own pride that got in his way. After Alastor's death, Credence grew arrogant. Assuming he would never be caught. How could he when he learned from the best?Alas, old habits die hard.
Winter of 1939, Creed met his demise.Unleashed was his new form and abilities.
A proud young stag with feline characteristics and features.
His gifts for loosening one's lips carried over when he fell to Hell. He found himself with an array of unique abilities all his own. Ones such as manipulation of shadows, water, and blood. Much like his sister, he had a silver tongue and siren-like allure.When you are the ultimate predator, hunting came quite easily. And once word spread that he was the Radio Demon's apprentice, it became well known not to cross his path and to watch for your soul. Because a deal with this devil never lands in your favor.Adair William Blackwood
The youngest child of Thomas and Marie Blackwood, Adair is known as gentle and kind spirited. With curious eyes twinkling in such wonderment and a smile bright enough to lighten even the darkest of places.His enthusiastic nature was unmatched and aspiring effervescence knew no bounds.Like his sister, his curious little mind was always buzzing. Eager to learn and always willing to offer a helping hand. His infectious smile could brighten anyone's day.
Adair was very young when their parents were killed. He remembers very little of the events that happened that dreadful night. However, he is often plagued with nightmares of such haunting memories.
While he may have grown up without his parents, he had his siblings.
They were always encouraging and supporting. Despite having to start their lives over from the bottom, they always made the best with what they had.Despite starting out with very little, he was taught to appreciate what he had. Things would look up eventually, and they did. Meeting an idol of his and having a chance to pick his brain almost anytime he wanted was like a dream come true.
When Adair was introduced to Alastor as his sister's friend, the young boy was over the moon. And when the host invited the trio into his home, his mind was absolutely blown.The efforts made by not only both his siblings, but to Alastor- to love with all they had and to give him everything needed- left an incredible impact on Adair.He grew up to be a kind gentleman with a big heart and gentle spirit. Where Creed took on a more sinister route to helping others, Adair would lend a hand in his community.Much like Creed, Adair would follow in the footsteps of the man who helped raise him, quickly rising to fame. Becoming the new voice of the Crescent City after Alastor's death.It was a dream of his to be in the radio business. It was all very new when he was growing up and it fascinated him just how far one voice could reach.Striving to be a great host, one that Alastor (and his sister) would be proud of. He continued to host for radio well into his adult life until retiring.Since Velouria and Credence never run into Adair in Hell, they assume (and hope) that their sweet little brother was safely living it up in paradise as an Angel of Heaven like their parents might be.Alice Cromwell-Rosenberg
As a young woman just trying to make it in a big city, Alice found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
A pretty little thing, still so naive. This made her easy prey for the big dogs in town. One such as the big mob boss who snatched her up quick, feeding her pretty little lies.Big dreams made real.
But only if she followed him. Promises that were sure to be broken.
Easily letting herself get swept off her feet with nice dinners and fancy words.
He said anything to coerce such a lovely little lady. As he did with all his girls. Alice wasn't special, not to him. Falling in line amongst other girls who were fed the very same lies.When reality finally hit, it was too late for her.
Like a nervous little mouse, she felt so small compared to these other women.
One of the only people to actually treat her with kindness was Velouria. This is where their friendship began.
A strange place to make friends, in some mobster's harem. Yet, the two were thick as thieves.At first, Velouria became a sort of mentor to Alice. Teaching her the ways around the streets, which areas were best to avoid. How to keep her nose clean, and how to stay in the good graces of their boss. This quickly would lead to friendship. One that started out very one-sided, as Velouria was not one to keep the company of others.Alice grew on her, like a beautiful white rose, blooming in a glorious garden. Her bubbly personality and benevolence warmed the heart of most anyone who she met. Earning her an honest man, despite her profession. A man who was willing to give her the world.Her life was taken from her, along with her dreams. Killed in the prime of her life. It should come to no surprise how she ended up in Hell. Though, Velouria would argue that Alice didn't exactly belong. Alice understood her sins and why she was sentenced to burn for eternity.Hell granted her a new form. One that left her as vulnerable as she might have looked, a white rabbit.
But be careful, for things are not always as they seem.
Alice has an alluring ability, much like the sirens of time. Nothing too potent, but deadly all the same. For she may lure one to their demise.Alice and Velouria run into each other some time after Velouria falls to Hell herself. The two stick together for obvious reasons, singing in small clubs for quick cash. Trying to keep their noses clean and minding their business.
However, they were unlucky enough to catch the attention of Valentino.The pair would not accept any proposals the moth had, so he gave them no choice. With Alice's life threatened, they were left falling back into old habits.Some decades pass and Alice would be free at last from a life of prostitution. Her soul sold to her dearest friend, Velouria, whom promised to keep her soul safe and protected.
Alice works as a performer and assistant to Velouria in her cabaret, known as The Panic Room.Jacob Rosenberg
Seen as a regular old Joe, Jacob was a factory worker who lived in New Orleans. Living simply and trying to make ends meet, he was incredibly hard working. He made it decent enough, having all he needed in life.
Meeting the love of his life in a bakery. Call him a fool, but he says it was love at first sight.
Learning of Alice's profession did not scare him off. He hoped to be her shining knight. To rescue her from her fate and sweep her off her feet.
He had big plans for them. Absolutely and lovingly devoted.
He would meet Velouria soon after meeting Alice. She introduced Velouria as her best friend, like a sister.
Upon hearing (from Alice) about Velouria's sudden disappearance from work, he was quick to find information on her whereabouts.Knowing that his beloved was worried, he was going to do what he could to bring her friend back to her.
Learning that none other than the famous radio host, Alastor, had Velouria safely tucked away- he devoted some of his time digging up information to give to Alastor (and Velouria) about the mob that once harbored her. Anything that could help keep her safe.
In turn, Alastor promised to help with transportation out of the city- as Jacob had plans of his own to move Alice away and make all her dreams come true.This eventually caught up with him. Once the boss caught wind of this, he had both Jacob and Alice taken care of.
Unlike Alice, Jacob was sent to live out his days in paradise. However, he felt this was more punishment than anything. A life (or afterlife) without Alice was his personal Hell. There was no Heaven if she wasn't in it.The Moretti Brothers
The mobsters who owned Velouria.
When it came to crime, Joseph (Joey) and Daniel (Danny) Moretti were the big dogs that ran the city. One after another, they would take down the biggest crime bosses in town, becoming one of the most feared.
Top dog running the whole thing, Joey was quick to take the reins. He was aggressive, taking what he wanted, when he wanted. The man could sweet talk anyone. The city on a string and the mayor eating from the palm of his hand.
And if things didn't go his way? Little brother Danny knew exactly which screws to tighten when it came to getting their hands dirty. Known as Joey's underboss, he was cruel as he was vicious. One might say his methods were barbaric, but to Joey all that mattered was getting the job done.
Together, they owned a club. Hidden beneath was their growing business. A speakeasy where they trafficked drugs, alcohol, information, guns, and women.
Joey found himself charmed by Velouria. The moment he saw her, he wanted her. Over the years, this feeling of possession only grew. Her disappearance left him on a war path. Destruction was left in his wake, his mind slowly unraveling. Before meeting his death (at the hands of Alastor), Danny had to take charge as his brother would slip into fits of madness.The two would fall to Hell, each taking on horrific new forms that made it even easier to capture victims. The two knew that fighting their way to the top of the food chain would be most difficult. Instead of being a top dog, they would settle for second best. Becoming part of Valentino's crew.Amara Hürnheim
A charming little spitfire.
Velouria introduced Amara to Alice as, feral and unrelenting. Asking: "Have you heard the tales of Krampus?"
A woman with ram or goat like features, who was stubborn as she was beautiful.Falling to Hell in the 80s, she struggled for some odd years before meeting Velouria. Living on the streets, stealing anything she could get her hands on, and willing to fight for a meal. For a short time, she worked under Valentino. The woman was ferocious when first meeting Velouria. Seemingly unafraid of all the dangers Hell had to offer. Leaving her to wonder how this woman came to be this way.
This demoness fascinated Velouria as she seemed to challenge the doe. Completely underestimating who she would be dealing with. Once she was put in her place, Velouria offered Amara a deal. Knowing full well the pain and experiences she had faced, for Velouria once faced them herself.
Sure, perhaps she had taken pity on her, but Velouria really admired her spunk.
Reluctantly, Amara accepted the deal. Given time, she would become close friends with both Alice and Velouria.
She worked as a performer at the Panic Room. Managing the joint alongside Alice, keeping everyone in line.

Are you brave enough to meet the desires that you seek?
Be careful what you believe, never trust what you see.
You can look and you can touch. It won't cost much.Welcome to the Panic Room!A whimsical fantasy of your most carnal desires. Our dancers will give you a show that will have you at the edge of your seats. Join us for a drink and stay for a bite to eat...
We're located just outside of Cannibal Town!⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆
The Panic Room is a burlesque lounge owned by Velouria.
While she does often perform on her own stage, she does manage and run the place, with Alice and Amara at her side.The demons she employs are all, one way or another, wayward souls that she rescued. She often takes them under her wing and cares for them. Much like she used to for her brothers while she was alive. The difference now, being that she has the ability to fight off those that oppose her.All performers under her roof are sinners who were once like her. People who once fallen victim to corruption. Most are ones she rescued off the streets. Swiping them before they fell into the Vees circles. Many sold their soul to her in order to save it from others.The Panic Room is not your typical cabaret. From the outside, it looks like any other club, with neon lights. Inside is where the magic happens. Her power manipulates the internal setting and those who dare step foot inside.What's that? Your head is feeling a bit fuzzy? Insides are all warm and tingly? Finding yourself wanting more, leaving you unable to leave... It's not the drinks!She runs a respectable business, often accumulating regulars. However, she isn't afraid to use it as a means for evening odds, a little karma, or a free meal ticket. For those who have wronged her, but also for those who have hurt anyone employed under her.During her shows, it's much like a siren luring in sailors. Or a spider who has caught a fly amongst her webs.Enter at your own risk!
Her shows are to die for~

Velouria Marie Blackwood
Born April 1906, New Orleans, Louisiana to Thomas and Marie Blackwood, Velouria is the oldest of three.
While growing up in such a time in the crescent city wasn't always easy, she was raised in a loving and supportive home. Her parents strived to give each of their children the best life possible. Supporting them however they needed. Aiding them with the tools necessary to succeed. And loving them no matter what.
Showing early signs of musical talent, her parents saw so much potential in her, they nurtured such talent. Encouraging her to pursue her dreams and helping her through anxieties.January 1924: Tragedy Struck
Velouria returns home one night to find the house raided, her parents murdered, and brothers missing. Panic stricken as the realization hit. Frantically searching for her brothers, calling out for anyone to help.
Her life turned upside down.Authorities would arrive, assessing the situation. Finding both boys hidden away. Safe, but shaken.
Their parents murder case ran cold, the ones responsible were never found.Her life was turned upside down.
Unwilling to split their little family up, she took on the task of raising two small boys. Struggling to make ends meet as a waitress before being approached by mob boss. She knew the man was trouble, but it was unknown to her at the time just how dangerous this man really was. He was able to coerce her into working for him.
She wanted to give her brothers the life they deserved. Willing to endure anything so long as it meant giving them the life their parents strived for.Life was hard enough, but being stripped of freedom? Overworked by a man who passed you around to any man willing to pay, like a ragdoll. Treating you like your worth less than the dirt everyone walked on and beaten like a dog for even glancing his way.
Velouria wouldn't complain. Surviving by her wits, she silently endured her role. Easily becoming her boss' favorite girl, as she was obedient and crafty. His top earning pro skirt.Despite her own misery and the disappointment she felt in herself, her only goal was to make life better for her younger brothers. She felt her suffering would be worth it in the end, so that her brothers may live a wonderous life someday. Just as her parents hoped for them.August 1929: An Unusual Meeting
Velouria was always out for clients that had their pockets lined full. The more money the better. Usually leading in a bigger pay for her boss and in turn- her.Her life was thrown for a loop when she made the decision to pursue a man she observed to be like any other pompous bluenose she usually approached. Upon meeting this devilishly charming man, she found he was not at all like anyone she's dealt with before. This meeting changed the course of her life forever.Learning that his name was Alastor, a famous radio host, the voice of the crescent city. This discovery of her newly acquainted friend's fame left her feeling reserved and wary.Behind that smile and obnoxiously large ego, he was actually a gentleman. Seeing something in her that she didn't even see in herself. He saw the value and worth of who she was as a person. Not the object that others tossed around. Treating her like a proper lady, not like a chew toy.November 1929: To Break Free
While she was grateful for Alastor's kindness in offering friendship, she felt uneasy about allowing his assistance. Life has taught her not to trust anyone so easily.
Not taking no for an answer- the host would allow her and her brothers to rent out his carriage house. Taking it upon himself to aid the woman in her freedom for a better life away from prostitution and the mob.Getting out may have been easy, but staying out of sight and out of mind was far easier said than done. Doing her best to maintain a normal life while constantly watching her back for the mobster who obsessed over her. Hunting the streets for her, his men were scattered. Always on the lookout to bring her back to their boss.Living in constant fear of the man who brought on so much pain and misery made life hard to enjoy to it's fullest.With the help from Alastor, her brother's, and the new companions she was introduced to, she was able to thrive.March 1930: A Shining Star
After discovering her hidden musical talents, Alastor (with help from Credence) made it possible for Velouria to have a chance up on stage. Her performance not only won the hearts of her audience, but also a scout who happened to be hidden amongst the crowd.She was offered a chance to sing at one of the biggest Jazz clubs in New Orleans. Rising to fame and becoming a star. She created quite the name for herself, almost as well known as Alastor. People described her performances as captivating. a beautiful starlet with an enchanting voice. Her shows were a sight to see.Apirl 5, 1931: The Supernova
When a star is born, it's radiance so intense, it burns violently.Velouria rose quickly to stardom.
Shocking audiences, leaving them in such awe with her enchanting performances. Opportunities rose, yet she couldn't leave her home town. Despite the dangers.
She was able to live comfortably, giving her brothers everything. Finally tasting what freedom is like. Fullfilled with what she's accomplished. Surrounded by those she loved most; her brothers, her friends. Family.When a star dies, an explosive impact occurs. One so earth shattering, it brings one to their knees.Collapsing in the arms of her dearest friend, Alastor. It was sudden, unexpected. Though, they always warn you to expect the unexpected. She knew the moment it hit, she was dying. Still, surrounded by her little family, she would smile. It was strange, but she felt happy. By the end of her life, she felt no regrets, except that she had to leave them. So she smiled, using the last of her breath to give her thanks and say, I love you.

1931: Falling
Her fall to Hell was like most. She had no idea where she was at first. Some of her memories of life were forgotten to her. A mild amnesia, subsiding in weeks. Hell was not kind to her, but she quickly learned that being in Hell meant she didn't have to worry about what Heaven thought of her now.As fate would have it, she and Alice found each other. Becoming attached at the hip. The two tried to make a small living, singing in small clubs or waitressing. Anything to keep off the streets, steering away from their old life.However, lurking in the shadows of one club was an overlord that found them mesmerizing. Falling victim to the Vees.2000s
Velouria doesn't talk about her time under the roof of the V Tower.
She does find freedom from them, taking Alice and another sinner named Amara, with her.By this time, she had a full understanding of Hell. How things were run around here. Overlords, sinners. Angels and the exterminations. Her powers.
She knew when to pick fights and when to walk away.Finding, not only an old friend, but one of her brothers resided in Hell. Of course, she wasn't exactly surprised to find Alastor in Hell. She was irate when meeting Credence. He had apprenticeship with the Radio Demon, no less. Yet, she found odd comfort knowing that Creed had been with Alastor this whole time.While she had plently of power and abilities, she was interested in deal making. Not necessarily for the same reasons that most deal makers have. She wanted to take care of those close to her, like Alice. Protect them. She thought if ones soul was owned, it would be safe from others. At least, for the most part. She was powerful enough to stand her ground against others. Yet, she never felt the need to overthrow an overlord. To claim such a title.The Hazbin Hotel
Learning of the princess and her passion project, Velouria was incredibly skeptical. She didn't believe in redemption, assuming that Heaven didn't care enough since they came down to slaughter sinners yearly.However, if there was even a sliver of a chance that redemption was possible, Alice deserved to go to Heaven. To be reunited with her beloved. Velouria always felt she was far too kind and innocent for the world they lived in. Alice didn't belong in Hell.Much like Alastor, she offered her services to the Princess. Not to be redeemed herself, but to allow Alice and Amara to become part Charlie's little experiment. To get them redeemed.The Panic Room
Velouria owns a cabaret just outside of Cannibal Town. When she isn't assisting at the Hotel, one would likely find her there, running her business.The Panic Room has a sinister background.While most of the time, it is a simple lounge with music and dancing. Where sinners can go to have a great time and enjoy a drink.But when it isn't, it's essentially a hunting ground.
Discovering early on that with her new-found power, came new appetites and powerful cravings.It wasn't necessarily something she enjoys doing, however, she found that in this new form she became an obligate carnivore with a very specific taste for flesh.She lures in prey with her enchanting shows. Mesmerizing them with her alluring voice. Her abilities making it easy.
The doe is particular about her victims. Yes, everyone there was in Hell. That didn't mean everyone should be. Alice was a good example of that. Her prey must be a sinner of distasteful backgrounds. Usual going after those who have wrongly done her or any of those close to her.

To Love A Killer
A human!Alastorxfem!Reader fanfic.
For mature audiences: Reader's discretion advised.
Art by ThatSaltyBobcat
Be sure to read all warnings and tags.⋆。˚⋆˙‧☽ ◯ ☾‧˙⋆˚。⋆
This story takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The year is 1929 and the crescent city is full of music and wonder. However, the streets have been plagued with misfortune.
There has been a decline in stock prices. Disease, corruption. Crime rates are rising with gang activity and a vicious murderer stalks the shadows.In order to provide for her two younger brothers, (Y/N) does what she must to put food on the table. Even if it means working for a slimy mobster.Afraid of the consequences she would face if she chose to leave for a better life, she meets a charming stranger who seems to have a rather interesting hobby.